My mom said: Spend your twenties getting ready for your fifties.
Even with that advance notice, I don't think anything prepares women for what happens to your body at midlife. The inner tube around the waist- it snuck up on me starting around 42. Little by little pants and skirts wouldn't close, there was this weird bowling ball around my belly.
I haven't had kids. I've always worked out. I do yoga. I live in a 1792 Hip Roof Colonial in the middle of 2000 acres of conservation land in New Hampshire where everything is "uphill".
Why this inner tube?
Then, my period changed. What was a skip thru the monthly park of lunar flow became this epic roaring of a red river that sent me running to the bathroom every 45 minutes. Before the flood gates, there were migraines and cramps that only popping 5 Ibuprofen would mollify. Then in a dramatic cadence, pins and needles that electrocuted my fingers to the bone.
Why this middle aged torture?
I went to my MD. Back on the birth control pill! she said. I tried. I felt absolutely awful. And nothing changed. And those pills made my brain buzz.
This was seven years ago. Today, I have figured out what works for me. I'm feeling and looking better than I have in my entire life. To get here, I had to study, read, go to seminars with women like Susun Weed. I had to find other crones like Susun who walked thru woods picking leaves, roots, flowers making me these tinctures that didn't taste so good. But they worked.
Loving your inner crone or stepping beyond your late twenties is indeed a task. There are many ways to achieve balance and clarity in health. I say this and emphasize that I know the value of allopathic care. I also know that a woman's health is part of a matrix, a web. Don't get caught thrashing around in the web- be aware of it's approach. Become one with the power of weaving your reality as it is in this moment.
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