Wednesday, November 25, 2015

3 easy steps to connect to You!

That moment we remember "I"

That moment we remember that we exist for more than making other people happy.

Have you spent too much time running after glimmering vaporous dreams or sleepwalking through relationships/jobs?  Have you spent an entire day at work/home pleasing, making things that are in disarray work?  Have you sacrificed an hour at the gym this week- every week- for kids, partner, friends?

Welcome to being a woman.

Female energy: pleasing, discussing, working things out.  We are the weavers, the goddesses, the nurturers.

At a certain point all of that has to stop.  It has to stop so you can take care of the "I".  At a certain point You have to be present to the "I".

By being present, we roll out a giant external eyeball and look at exactly what we are doing in this tapestry of living.  What are my actions?  What are my thoughts?  What do I need?

When in the presence of "I", we notice and become interested.  We become interested in our feelings, we become interested in someone other than the others.  Then, we question who we are in this moment of reality.  Who am I now?  I'm someone different than who I was in my teens or twenties.  How wonderful!  How frightening.

How do I get to know this new self?  How do I step into my new reality of womanhood?

Here are three very simple things to do, you don't have to do them all at once:
1.  Sit still.  Close your eyes.  Count to 20 and back, for seven minutes.  Set your phone alarm.
2.  Soak your feet.  In a tub of warm water and marbles or river stones.  For seven minutes.  Set your phone alarm.
3.  Drink a glass of water.  Add a slice of lemon.  Drink slowly, feel the liquid travel down your throat making your skin dewey with moisture.

Then, ask yourself three questions:
How do I feel?
What do I feel?
What do I need?

Keep a journal of these observations- buy yourself a nice one- observe as the "I" emerges and changes.  Another good reminder of this opportunity for connection to "I" comes to us physically every month, maybe that is your reminder to do one of the three simple steps above.

What do you do to connect to "I"?  I would love to know, email me at

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